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Teeth Whitening

One of the most common cosmetic dental requests we receives is to whiten darkened teeth. In turn, teeth are often stained by particles embedding themselves into the enamel. These particles can come from foods like berries and curry, drinks like coffee and tea, and smoking.

Our practices teeth whitening treatments that lift external stains from the enamel. A single, hour-long treatment can drastically brighten the color of your smile in time for your next big life event. We provides advice to help you maintain that brightness between appointments.


In some cases, teeth stains originate from inside a tooth; this discoloration cannot be lifted. Additionally, teeth that have chips and spacing issues too mild to require crowns or braces need some manner of treatment to reshape them to be uniform.

We offers porcelain veneers in these conditions. The thin shells conceal internal stains and refashion a tooth’s image to a natural-looking length and width, matching the overall smile.

Gum Contouring

Whereas too little gum tissue is a sign of periodontitis, too much gum tissue creates the appearance of shortened teeth, which looks less healthy than it is. We perform gum contouring to give you a full smile. This selective removal of the extraneous gum tissue gives your teeth an appearance that matches their actual health.

Porcelain Restorations

Cosmetic dentistry is not only about looking your best but also making sure your teeth are healthy enough to remain beautiful and functional. To this end, our practice provides crowns and bridges made of porcelain. This ceramic material is durable enough to help your teeth function normally and is indistinguishable in appearance from the other teeth in your smile.

Depending on the restoration being provided, we can also administer this cosmetic treatment more conveniently than traditional options. Our practice uses CEREC, a computer-aided design and milling system that creates porcelain crowns. If you are diagnosed with the need for a crown, We can provide a natural-looking cap for the teeth during the same day.

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