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Tooth contouring and bonding


What is Tooth Contouring?


Teeth Contouring is careful reshaping of teeth to improve their length, width, uprightness or to smooth their chipped edges.

Bonding is the addition of tooth shaded white filling material to the surface of teeth to improve aesthetic the beauty of a smile.

In most cases, the use of one of these treatments methods are needed to result in a beautiful smile while in some cases, a combination of the two treatments is required.

There is a limit to the amount of bonding or tooth contouring in London that our dentists can carry out as these treatments are aesthetic but also need to be functional.


Is it painful?


This is a painless process, there is usually no need for injections for these treatments and of course we would numb the teeth for any patients that feel any pain.


Will I be able to eat normally after the treatment?


Yes, when you perform tooth contouring in London. You will be able to eat your usual foods. It is advisable to be careful - toffee, pork scratching, nail-biting, and opening bottles with your bonded teeth are not advisable!


How long will tooth contouring last?


These treatments are predictable and repairable. Teeth Contouring will last a long time as the teeth will remain in position until the teeth naturally move over the years. Bonding averages 7 to ten years.

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