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Root Canal Treatment 


Root canal, also called endodontic treatment, is the process of removing injured, infected or dead pulp from the tooth. It is a dental procedure used for treating infection at the centre of a tooth. It helps to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth. The infection is caused by bacteria that stay within your mouth. This may occur after:


  • Tooth decay.

  • Leaky fillings.

  • Damage to teeth due to trauma or sudden fall.

  • It helps repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth.


Symptoms associated with root canal treatments include:

  • Extremely sensitive to hot or cold food or drinks.

  • Severe pain due to biting or chewing.

  • Facial swelling.

  • Swelling and tenderness of the gum near affected tooth.

  • Oozing from the affected tooth.

  • Discolouration of the tooth.


The process of a root canal treatment :

Our dental surgeon will:

  • Remove the damaged or infected tissue inside the tooth.

  • Clean and sterilize the area.

  • Fill and close the space with the latest materials.

Consult our root canal specialist  if you are looking to undergo the treatment. The bacteria will have to be removed for treating the infection and the affected area. This may be done by either extracting the tooth or trying to save it by removing the bacteria by performing a root canal treatment.


After the bacteria get removed, the root canal will be filled and the tooth will be closed with either a crown or a filing. The inflamed tissue present at the end of the tooth will cure naturally in most cases. Before opting for a root canal treatment, you will be given local anaesthesia to reduce the discomfort and ensure that the process is not painful. The treatment may require several visits to the endodontist  depending on your case. After the treatment, your new teeth should look like the natural ones.


Most root canal treatments are known to achieve success; however, a tooth may last for nearly 10 years after the therapy is done.

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